Blog 8

First of all, after reading one of the articles written by Dr. Sapp, how does it further nuance your teaching, your interaction with students and colleagues?

Second, which website below interests you the most, why did it grab your attention, and what on it can you fold into your practice? The Anti-Defamation League fights anti-Semitism, bigotry, and extremism.  Its website includes informaton on religious freedom, civil rights, and the Holocaust as well as resources for teachers on fighting hate. The Multicultural Pavilion links teachers with others who are dealing with issues related to multicultural education. The website of The Feminist Majority provides information about women’s issues, Title IX, and education, including links to additional resources. Developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AASA) for students in grades 3-5, this website is designed to interest female and students of color in science with interactive games, experiments, and other games. The Rethinking Schools website was designed by a group of teachers who wanted to improve education in their own classrooms and schools and to help shape school reform that is humane, caring, multiracial, and democratic. The Southern Poverty Law Center combats hate, intolerance, and discrimination through education and litigation against hate groups.  It publishes Teaching Tolerance Magazine, which is available at no cost to teachers, and numberous other teaching resources.

 © Jeff Sapp 2014