Autobiography of a Learner

You will be writing about yourself as a learner.  While there is not any one way to accomplish this task, it is important that you be candid and reflective.  You may want to precede your drafting with a pre-writing step, such as brainstorming, free writing or mapping.  You can find examples online.  To stimulate your thoughts, the following is offered in support of your success.  The following prompts are intended to stimulate, not restrict or direct.  There is no page limit.

  • What are your earliest memories of learning to do something?  What were you trying to do?  Who was there?  What were the others doing?  How were you feeling?
  • How do you learn best?
  • Do you have favorite strategies for approaching a new task?
  • From your experience and understanding, what conditions are necessary for your learning to take place?
  • Thinking about your own experiences and reflection, what are your biggest barriers to successfully learning to do something?
  • Who do you think of as people who taught you something and what did each teach you?
 © Jeff Sapp 2024