Yes, I know you’ve had a psychology course in your undergraduate work and you’re thinking, “Oh no! Not again!” Some information in our course may be redundant because of that, but I am determined to put a fresh spin on familiar information!

I put an image of a wrench here for a purpose. Since we all come to this class with varying years experience and have had psychology classes in the past, our course is going to focus on “fine tuning” the good work that you are already doing, thus the wrench. To the right (assignments) and below (course work) you’ll find all you’ll need to have a successful online semester.
Based on all of the feedback from previous cohorts, I’ve made some very important changes to this online course to make it more manageable for you. The first is weekly accountability. In previous semesters I let people do the Blog posts at their leisure. What happened is that many ended up waiting until the last week of school to catch up and (1) posts were, um, kind of crappy and (2) I got slammed so much that it was overwhelming to keep up with grading (which, I’m sure you can appreciate as future educators yourselves). I’m not doing that any more. Blog posts are due on Sunday night at midnight and if you miss that deadline then that Blog is dead to you. You can’t make it up. Disqus (the online blogging system that I prefer and use for my courses) notifies me every time anyone Blogs or posts and gives me the exact date and time of your posting, so this will be very easy to monitor.
The second change I’ve made is that all assignments for the course must be in a PDF form when you email them to me (assignments are emailed to me at It is so important that you format them to PDFs because, otherwise, it will overwhelm and shut down my mailbox. Our CSUDH faculty mailboxes aren’t allocated a lot of space and they fill up quickly with 140 students. Thanks for formatting all work to PDFs. Also, course assignments are due on Friday evenings by 5pm so that I am able to grade them over the weekend to get your more immediate feedback.
Just to be very clear about this: Blog posts are due on Sunday night at midnight. Course assignments are due on Friday evenings by 5pm.
Each week as we go through our experience together I am going to pick a few things from the assigned readings that I feel I can address best and dig deeper into those topics. You are, of course, responsible for reading all of the assigned readings. I promise I won’t just regurgitate what you’ve already read, but will highlight the areas of my expertise so as to offer you tools to help you fine tune your professional skills.
Let’s get started! Just click on the “Week” live link below and it will take you to your tasks.
Week1/January 27 - Introduction to our course and to each other; Brain-Based Learning and Brain-Antagonistic Learning; Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain; DUE: Introduction Blog due ASAP; Brain-Based Learning Blog #1 due by Sunday night February 2nd at midnight; (Please note that there are TWO blogs due this first week - the introduction blog and the brain-based learning blog!)
Week 2/February 3 - Exploring Identity-Based Curricula; Culturally Relevant Pedagogy; Lee’s Cultural Modeling; Moll’s Funds of Knowledge; Funds of Identity; Biography-Driven Instruction; Bronfenbrenner Blog #2 due by Sunday night February 9th at midnight
Week 3/February 10 - Learner diversity; Resistance theory; Language, gender, class; Learner Diversity Blog #3 due by Sunday night February 16th at midnight
Week 4/February 17 - Differentiation; Disability Justice; The Problem with Learning Styles; Teacher Bias; Cooperative Learning and Race Relations; Differentiation Blog #4 due by Sunday night February 23rd at midnight
Week 5/February 24 - Constructivism; OMG! NO BLOG DUE THIS WEEK!
Week 6/March 3 - Memory and Recall Made Simple; Memory and Recall Blog #5 due by Sunday night March 9th at midnight
Week 7/March 10 - Art in the classroom as complex cognitive processing; Art Blog #6 due by Sunday night March 16th at midnight
Week 8/March 17 - Positive behavioral interventions & supports (PBIS); DUE: Supporting Students Resources (When assignments are due “the week of” that means that you can turn this in anytime the week of March 17th - from Monday all the way until Friday March 21st by 5pm. And just email all assignments to me at; PBIS Blog # 7due by Sunday night March 23rd at midnight
Week 9/March 24 - Learned Helplessness; Learned Helplessness Blog #8 due by Sunday night March 30th at midnight. YEAH! YOU’RE DONE WITH ALL 8 BLOGS NOW! CONGRATS!
Week 10/March 31 - NO CLASS - Spring Break
Week 11/Apr 7 - Classroom Management IRIS Information Briefs
Week 12/April 14 - Classroom Management IRIS Modules; Behavior Management Plans (BMPs)
Week 13/April 21 - Learning and Effective Teaching: Changing Educational Paradigms; DUE: Photo Essay; (When assignments are due “the week of” that means that you can turn this in anytime the week of April 21st - from Monday all the way until Friday April 25th by 5pm. And just email all assignments to me at
NOTE: There are many reasons that some of us do not have photos of our childhood and assignments that ask for history and origin can be triggering for some of us. If this is the case for you, students have used clip art or stock photos to do this assignment and that is perfectly acceptable. Others have drawn picture or have re-imagined this assignment so that they feel successful and comfortable. I, for one, have spent the entirety of my parenthood worrying about family tree assignments because we are a family created through the wonder of adoption. Schooling can re-traumatize many of us with assignments like this, so please do this photo essay in a way that works for you.
Week 14/April 28 - School Reform; Standardized Testing
Week 15/May 5 - Teaching as a Subversive Act; What have we learned? DUE by Wednesday night May 14th: Research Paper; That’s All Folks!
Research Paper: Title page; (Page 1) Introduction to your issue/topic and why it is important to you and education; (Pages 2-8) Literature Review; (Page 9) Conclusion; (Page 10) APA Bibliography
Your final research paper can be emailed to me no later than Wednesday May 14th at 5pm.