Week 12 - IRIS Case Study & BMPs

The IRIS Center also has Case Studies and I’ve chosen a relevant one for all of us to read and refect upon as a class.  Some day in the very near future before you begin your class instruction, you will want to define the skills and knowledge you expect students to learn (what you now know as a learning objective/outcome).  Similarly, you will also identify the behaviors you’ll expect of students as they engage in the learning activities.  When students do not engage in these expected behaviors, you’ll need to be able to define the expected behavior and behaviors that need to be changed.  This Case Study leads you through the steps to be able to do this.

Here is the Defining Behavior Case Study.

You’re barely scratching the surface of all of the amazing resources available at IRIS and at other online resources.  Take note!  You’ll want to come back to these over-and-ever again during the course of your career!

Also, check out the work of CSUDH former colleagues in the credential program and their Behavior Managment Plans (BMPs) they did.  You’re are so going to love these, I swear it!

 © Jeff Sapp 2024