You are all, no doubt, being immersed in Resotrative Justice principles. As you know, RJ is fully promoted and implemented now in LAUSD and other districts across the nation.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is completely in synch with RJ and has been around for quite a while. This week you’ll dig a bit deeper into PBIS.
I also want to touch base with you on stress-and-the-brain. Stress and its impact on our learning has long been a topic of interst to me as an educator. For a while, I was conducting half-day professional development seminars on it around the nation.
Managing our own stress is key, of course. “We can’t pour from an empty pot,” as my Grandma used to say.
But, also, how do we monitor and manage stress in our classrooms in regards to students learning?
Stressed is desserts spelled backwards.
I’ve always loved that. In other words, it is important to be mindful about the things that are stressing us out because they often hold some delicious opportunities for healing in our own complicated lives.
Let’s read and learn more about PBIS and stress.