What exactly does it mean to you to "teach for social justice"?  Not sure?  Before you answer, read some of these articles as they might guide your thoughts.

Creating classroom for social justice

Teaching social justice in theory and practice

What does teaching for social justice mean to teacher candidates?

APP Blog

One of your assignments for TED 400 is to review an app that you like. For instance, one app I use is Chalkboard. You can find it here:http://appshopper.com/utilitie.... It's a FREE app that lets your write and draw everything you want on a chalkboard using colored chalk. It has realistic animations and sounds to even make it sound like a real chalkboard. You can use images from your own photo albums as backgrounds if you so choose. I use it alongside another app I like a lot called Doodle Buddy (find it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap.... Both of these apps are simple ways to make my PowerPoints more engaging and visually rich.

To fulfill the requirements for reviewing an app for this course, write about an app that is one of your favorites on this Blog. Share with us how you'd use it as well. By the time we're done with this Blog we should have 40+ new apps to consider!

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