Wow. Don’t think the history of schooling is relevant today? Read this letter.
As we begin our look at the next 4 pillars of the foundations of education - history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology - it is important to remember that this is a survey course. In other words, it is my job to give you introduction to education (see what I did there?).
You can kind of think about this survey course as an horderve platter. A little bit of this and a little bit of that to give you a robust taste of the field of education.

The first pillar we explore is the historical one.
In leu of me going over this in person, here is an incredible set of short 10-minutes-or-less videos that really explain the history of American schooling. Honestly, and I say this knowning I am a total nerd - they are fantastic!
Please watch all of them. 3 this week…and 3 more to come. They are about 10-minutes each.
School: The Story of American Public Education (1 of 6)
School: The Story of American Public Education (2 of 6)
School: The Story of American Public Education (3 of 6)
Fulfilling the responsibility of watching these is actually part of your Historical Foundations assignment…so you’re watching, learning, and doing one of your key assignments for this class. Awesome!
Begin checking off and tracking that you’ve done all of the history of education responsibilities. Use this checksheet for this assignment.
Oh wow! That feels so good that I’m doing my daily chores here but I am also doing an assignment!