Students are required to have 60 hours of observation/participation in school during the Phase I semester. This is documented on this form:
This form! It usually stikes fear in the hearts of students because it looks kind of daunting.
It’s isn’t.
But it looks that way.
Why don’t you start by just printing this out so you can have it right in your hands as you read about it. Go ahead. Print it. Print it here.
There are LOTS of ways to get this filled out. So do not fear! Sapp is here!
I spoke at length with the faculty chairs of the courses TED 507 (Dr. Elexia Reyes-McGovern and Dr. Minhye Son) and TED 414 (Dr. Gwen Brockman). We all collectively decided that many of the 60 hours could be met through the things you do already in TED 504 and 414. They agreed to let me just put their signatures there as proof that you met these hours if you’re in 507 or 414. (NOTE: If you have different instructors than Drs. Reyes-McGovern, Son, and Brockman, just delete their names and type in the names of the instructors you have.)
I have also put my name down for the TED 400 History Interview you did for the History Blog and am alloting 2 hours alltogether for it as well. I also put down 5 hours for lesson planning (but feel free to add more if you did more).
There are already 49 hours completed if you’re in TED 400, 507, and 414. And I have even written in the signatures for you.
That means, in reality, you need ELEVEN hours of observation to complete this form.
And some of you are already teaching full-time in a classroom, right? And others of you are also in school settings in one way or another, right? If this is the case for you, then put down the name of an administrator or credentialed teacher that you work closely with. For those of you working in schools now, you have TONS of hours you can include here.
Some of you tutor. Some of you coach. Some of you teach in your community of faith. Some of you facilitate groups in your community activism.
Oh! And heck! If you’re like me…you’re sitting on the opposite side of a table while a child in your home is doing homework right now, right? Go ahead and use some of that, okay?
And karate! Don’t forget that too! (Or whatever a kid in your circle is doing virtually…dance, piano, etc.).
Can you see that there are ways to get these observations/participations done? Heck, you’re even doing a History Blog in this class where you interview someone in your family. Count that as an hour!
The point it to be creative, while still maintaining your professionalism.
Here is another site full of wonderful videos to watch/document your field experiences.
You literally have a dozen or so ways to be creative and get this sheet filled out.
As a matter of fact, I’d guess that you easily in the course of your semester actually do MORE than 60 hours of observation and participation, don’t you?
If you’re concerned about this, please speak to me in class about it. But, seriously, I think you have this easily covered.
I’ll check in on you as we go through the semseter.
I got you.