Week 12 - Gender/Psychological Foundations

Well, from what I hear, most of you already have an extraordinary Ed Psych professor!  <grin>

And since you have an entire class on this topic that looks more deeply at the cognitive, social, and behavioral aspects of educational psychology, I’d thought I’d use my time in the TED 400 class to specifically address gender.

If you’ve gone to my research and writing website at www.jeffsapp.com then you have seen that gender is a focus of my own scholarly activities.

DOCUMENTARIES TO WATCH - To watch these films for FREE in the convenience of your own home, go to www.kanopystreaming.com.  The resource is FREE (Did I mention that it was FREE?) and all it will ask you for is your email and a password to sign up.  Then search for the films by the exact titles below; they’re all there as I just checked.

_____Straightlaced - How Genders Got Us All Tied Up (New Day Films) Its here:  https://csudh.kanopy.com/product/straightlaced-how-genders-got-us-all-tied

_____Reviving Ophelia - Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls (Media Education Foundaton). A short 6-minute clip is here:  https://video-alexanderstreet-com.libproxy.csudh.edu/watch/reviving-ophelia-saving-the-selves-of-adolescent-girls

I find these two films to be so insightful.  I especially like Straightlaced because it is only teens talking to teens - no adults at all.  Nice!

And although Reviving Ophelia was produced in the 1990s, every semester the TED 400 classes who view it are just shocked at how relevant the messages are for all of us today.  Plus, the 90s pop culture references are cute and make us giggle.  It shows you how incredible relevant the author’s message remains today.  Pipher recently updated her work (2019) and you can find her newer take on all of this here.  I ordered this new version just last week and am reading it anew right now.  I especially like it because it now includes the impact of social media on children’s development.

DO watch Creating Gender Inclusive Schools as well.  Here you’ll find young elementary children talking about gender.  Honestly, kids “get it” a lot more than we give them credit for!  Check it out.


Gender matters.  And you now, as that caring and nuanced adult in the room, must pay closer attention to gender and gender inequalities. 

Any physical education majors or coaches in our class?  I wrote something especially for you a couple of years ago.  Everyone can benefit from what I say here, but especially those of you teaching physical education.  Check it out.  Read A Sissy Speaks to Gym Teachers:  How I was Formed and Deformed by Toxic Masculinity in Queer Voices from the Locker Room.

Last of all, do the Gender Blog post.

 © Jeff Sapp 2024